Return Policy


You can return your item within 3 days from delivery date with the following conditions :

  • -Product is unused, Package is unopened.
  • - In the same condition when you received.
  • - Skin care and Make up products can not be returned unless it is a manufacturing defect.

We may withhold reimbursement until we have received the products back or you have supplied evidence of having sent back the goods, whichever is the earliest.

  • Credit Card orders – upon successful quality check, the bank will issue your refund within up to 10 days. Please contact Customer Service only if you have not received refund after 14 working days.

Damaged products.

If you received a damaged product or any of the products is different than what you ordered, then the product will be returned to us using the mentioned return process. The product must be returned in the same condition within 3 days of receiving the order, to return the full amount to you, including shipping fees . Please contact us at [email protected]

Make up and skin care products are Non-returnable .

Please note that we do offer exchanges only in stores. For online returns you are invited to return your product(s) and then place a new order for the product(s) you wish to purchase, subject to stock availability.